Marriage License Information & Application for Maui
Getting married here in Maui or any otherm island (Oahu Kauai or the Big Island) Hawaii is very simple. All you really need are your IDs (and occasionally additional documents, please check the State of Hawaii website for details) and to apply for a marriage license in advance and/ or in person, while being in Hawaii. The State of Hawaii has simplified this process by offering you to register online HERE. You need to choose the minister and in my case please select my official registered name as a minister/officiant in Hawaii "Stefan Leiste" when you register if I am the officiant. Optional download the Marriage License Application and bring it to your appointment with the Licensing Agent.
Important for you to know: A marriage license and marriage certificate are different documents. The marriage license permits a marriage to take place (for which you have to apply for prior to your wedding ceremony). The marriage certificate indicates that a legal marriage has been performed.
Once you are registered or have your marriage license application please setup an appointment with one of the Marriage Licensing Agents below.
Marriage License Agents in Hawaii:
Licensing Agents are located on several locatations across the islands. You can u8se anyone on any island prior to your wedding date.
Honolulu Main Office (Downtown)
Judith Brown (808) 586-4544
Sherilynn Luning (808) 586-4544, (808) 523-1880 – McCully / Waikiki / Wahiawa
Irene Takeda (808) 586-4544
For couples coming from other countries to be married, you'll find information about the APOSTILLE on the State of Hawaii website. A certified copy of a marriage certificate issued by the State of Hawaii may need to be officially authenticated in order that it be recognized and accepted by government officials of foreign countries.
MORE INFORMATION You may also check the website of the Hawaii State Department of Health or give them a call at 808-586-4545 for further information.
General FAQ
Who is Eligible to Apply for a Marriage License?
- There are no state residence or U.S. citizenship requirements.
- Blood tests are not required.
- The legal age to marry is 18 years for both males and females.
- Males or females of 16 or 17 years of age who wish to marry require the written consent of both parents, legal guardian, or the family court. The parents or legal guardian do not have to be residents of the state. Consent forms may be obtained from a marriage license agent.
- Males or females of 15 years of age who wish to marry require the written consent of both parents or legal guardian, and the written approval of a judge of the family court. The parents or legal guardian do not have to be residents of the state. Consent forms may be obtained from a marriage license agent.
- Proof of age is required. A certified copy of a birth certificate must be presented for anyone 18 years of age or under. A valid I.D. or driver's license may be presented for anyone 19 years of age or over.
- If previously married, proof of original divorce decree or death certificate needs to be presented to the marriage agent by the applicant if the divorce or death was final within 30 days of applying for a marriage license. NO FAXES ARE ACCEPTED.
- Cousins may marry. However, the blood relationship between the prospective bride and groom cannot be closer than first cousins.
How to Apply for a Marriage License
- The prospective bride and groom must appear together in person before a marriage license agent to apply for a marriage license. Proxies are not allowed.
- The prospective bride and groom should be prepared to provide the necessary proof of age and present any required written consents and approvals. All of the necessary documents should be obtained prior to applying for a marriage license.
- The prospective bride and groom must prepare an official application and file the application in person with the marriage license agent. Applications are provided by the marriage license agent or may be downloaded from this site (see below). The application will not be accepted if sent by either postal mail or e-mail.
- Upon approval, a marriage license is issued at the time the application is made.
- The marriage license costs $65.00 if you apply online or $70.00, payable in cash at the time the application is made.
- The marriage license is good only in, but is valid throughout, the State of Hawaii. Your marriage is considered legal world wide.
- The marriage license expires, if not used, 30 days from and including the date of issuance, after which it automatically becomes null and void.
- If you do not get married within the 30 days, return the unused license in the pre-addressed envelope provided to you for invalidation.
- It is highly recommended that you download the MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATION and fill it out in advance to be sure you have all the information needed, and to expedite the licensing procedure. You will receive information on the pre-application process with your confirmation documents. Marriage license applications for downloading are in Adobe Acrobat portable document format (PDF).
- To apply online for your marriage license please follow the link
To view the application instructions for the electronic marriage license system, click on the links below:
Application Instructions
The marriage license application form is also available in PDF format:
Download a marriage license application
If you have any questions please call me under (808) 365-2746 or email me with your questions through my contact form